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Research Support and Open Access


Birmingham Newman University can support researchers to make their work Open Access. In recent years the Library has signed up to a number of transformative agreements, which offer free or dicounted publishing. There is also a small institutional fund, which aims to support compliance with Open Access policies. The Library can also help authors to find Open Access journals which do not charge authors to publish their work. 

Transformative agreements

The University has a number of Transformative Agreements with publishers which allow researchers to make their work available Open Access in selected journals without the need to pay an APC. Only original research and review articles will be supported and the main corresponding author must be affiliated with Birmingham Newman University. Researchers should always use their Birmingham Newman University e-mail address when corresponding with publishers.

Current transformative agreements


Eligibility: Corresponding authors must have a current affiliation with Birmingham Newman University. You must use your University e-mail address to link your submission with the deal.

Eligible article types: Research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports, case reports.

Publishing options: The deal covers open access publishing in CUP's hybrid and fully Gold journals free of charge. To check which journals are covered and find more about how to publish under this agreement see the publishers website for more information. If you need any more help you can contact the library by e-mailing

Period: 01/01/2022-31/12/2025

Eligibility: Corresponding authors must have a current affiliation with Birmingham Newman University. You must use your University e-mail address to link your submission with the deal.

Eligible article types:

Research articles, reviews, short communications, etc. See the list of eligible article types included in the agreement. Note, only full length articles are eligible for Lancet titles

Publishing options:

This deal does not cover free Open Access publishing for all Elsevier titles. If you are not sure if a journal you wish to publish in is hybrid or fully OA then you should contact and ask the team to check before you submit you research.

Hybrid journals – Free open access publishing

Free open access publishing for most of Elsevier’s hybrid journal collections including Cell Press and Lancet Journals.

After acceptance you will receive an e-mail with a link to the ‘post acceptance author journey’ where you should select the open access publishing option.

Fully OA journals – 15% discount

The deal offers a 15% discount for fully OA journals. The library does not have a fund to cover the rest of the APC costs, so you should not submit your article to Elsevier unless you have secured the funding from elsewhere.

You must let the library team know how the remaining APC cost will be covered by e-mailing If you do not tell the library then your application for the discount may be rejected.

You can apply for funding to cover the remaining 85% by completing the the Open Access Research funding application form and sending it to

You now have the following open access publishing routes available through the Sage journals ‘read and publish’ deal:

Hybrid journal route

It is free to publish open access in any of theHybrid publishing title. If you’re not sure if a journal you want to publish in is eligible, contact The following conditions apply:
  • You must be the corresponding author
  • Articles entered the production system between 1st January 2020 and 31st December 2022
  • Includes these output types; original research papers, review papers, brief communications, short reports and case reports
  • Excludes these output types; articles published as part of commercially sponsored supplements, errata (which remain free to all to view), book reviews, editorials, published abstracts, call for papers, and news items

If you are not the corresponding author but are responsible for submitting your work to Sage, you must correctly identify the corresponding author and the corresponding author’s institution. If you incorrectly identify the corresponding author, then your OA request will be rejected, and Sage are not obliged to publish the article open access.

Gold journal route

You can get a 20% discount off the journal Article Processing Charge for Sage Gold OA journals. To do this you need to complete an Open Access Research funding application form and submit this to Approval must be granted by Research, otherwise we may have to reject your request for publishing as Open Access.

If you’re not sure if a journal you want to publish in is eligible you should contact

For journals using the RightsLink platform to manage APC payments:
  • Corresponding authors should enter the following discount code JISC2020
  • For journals not using the RightsLink platform: Corresponding authors must contact to request the discount.

Period: 01/01/2024-31/12/2025

Eligibility: Corresponding authors must have a current affiliation with Birmingham Newman University. You must use your University e-mail address to link your submission with the deal.

Eligible article types:research articles.

Publishing options: The deal covers publishing in Taylor and Francis’s hybrid (Open Select), fully open, F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research collections. This deal is capped, meaning that there are a fixed number of APC’s which are available for each year of the deal. APC’s will be covered on a first come first served basis for all participating institutions. If it looks as if the cap will be reached before the end of the year then priority will be given to funded research. Updates on the status of the fund will be posted here. If you’re not sure if a journal you want to publish in is eligible you should contact

Period: 01/01/2024-31/12/2025

Eligibility: Corresponding authors must have a current affiliation with Birmingham Newman University. You must use your University e-mail address to link your submission with the deal.

Eligible article types: Primary research and review articles

Publishing options: Unlimited publishing is available for any of Wiley’s hybrid journals (journals which have both open access and paywalled content in them).

A national fund has been agreed to cover expected APC charges for fully Open Access journals (Gold) journals, for each year of the deal. If the fund is in danger of becoming overspent, limits may be put in place which will restrict publishing in Gold titles to funded articles only. Updates on the status of the fund will be posted here.

If funding for Gold titles is restricted or the fund is exhausted then a 15% discount on APC list price will be available. In this case Birmingham Newman authors will need to ensure that the remaining 85% of the APC list price is covered. To do this you need to complete an Open Access Research funding application form and submit this to Approval must be granted by Research prior to submission otherwise the request may be rejected.

If you’re not sure if a journal you want to publish in is eligible you should contact


When publishing Open Access, you will be asked to choose a licence for your work. If your work has been funded, you should check your funder's open access policy to see if they require you to select a particular licence.

You are encouraged to select CC BY as the most open licence available.

Institutional funds

There may be support available for Birmingham Newman Researchers who are publishing in fully Gold Open Access journals and who are not eligible for funding via any other route. Priority will be given to papers which meet the eligibility criteria for REF2029.

To apply for funding, you will need to complete the Open Access Funding application form, and send the completed form to

Last reviewed: 18 December 2024

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