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Theology and Philosophy

Guide to books and e-books

E-book suggestions from the Theology and Philosophy team

Guide to books and e-books

For books and e-books Library Search will:

  • tell you whether we have an e-book, a print book, or both and how many copies we have
  • tell you where you can find a print book on our shelves using the shelfmark
  • link directly to the e-book if it is available

Library Search can also allow you to search for books outside of the Birmingham Newman Library collection and order an inter-library loan.

Finding books in the Library

A 'shelfmark' or 'call number' is a number that tells you where a book an be found in the library. Our main lending collection is on Level 2. Each row of shelves has a poster on the end that tells you what shelfmarks can be found there.

You can use the table on this page to see the general areas that main topics in your subject are shelved. Sometimes, casually browsing the shelves can turn up some great resources!

A shelfmark with two or three letters preceding it means that the book is not shelved in the main collection.

  • SE means it will be in our School Experience Collection on Level 0
  • LH means it will be in the Local History Collection on Level 2
  • REF or JHN is for the Reference or John Henry Birmingham Newman Collections on Level 1. You cannot borrow books from these collections: they can only be used in the Library.

Shelf locations

Main subject Shelfmark
Philosophy 100-199
Religion and Theology 200-299
Ethics (moral philosophy) 170-179
Modern Western philosophy 190-199
Holy Bible including translations, commentaries 220-229
Old Testament 221
New Testament 225
Christian Theology 230-239
God (Christianity) 231
Christology 232
Christian Ethics (moral theology) 241
Social theology and relations between religions 261
Ecclesiology (Church organisaion) 262
Church history 270
Roman Catholic Church 282
Other world religions (excluding Christianity) 290-299
Buddhism 294.3
Hinduism 294.5
Sikhism 294.6
Judaism 296
Islam 297
Religious Education (primary) 372.84
Religious Education (secondary) 375.2

Last reviewed: 16 September 2024

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