The Evening & Saturday Librarian can help you with your study skills for finding, using and evaluating information for your university work from 4pm-7pm Monday-Thursday and on selected Saturdays in term time.
Student Support's Moodle pages for learning development and academic writing: skills, support, information and more!
Study tools and resources hosted by The Student Room, an online discussion and community board for UK students.
Resources from the RLF to help you with writing essays and dissertations.
A selection of playlists on Education from TED talks. We recommend "The pursuit of curiosity and understanding" and "The love of lifelong learning"
Birmingham Newman University is not responsible for the contents of third party websites and resources.
If your course involves doing more detailed research projects, such as a dissertation, you will need to learn about and follow academic research methods. SAGE Research Methods is an excellent resource. It contains a diverse toolkit of reference sources, textbooks, videos and interactive learning tools to help you understand research methods, get you started and keep you on track throughout your project.
Main subject | Shelfmark |
Critical thinking | 160 |
Emotional intelligence | 152.4 |
Employability | 378.013 |
Literature reviews | 001.4 |
Mind maps | 153.1 |
Referencing | 808.027 |
Research methods (general) | 001.42 |
Student life | 378.19 |
Study skills | 378.17 |
Writing skills | 808.02 |
A 'shelfmark' or 'call number' is a number that tells you where a book an be found in the library. Our main lending collection is on Level 2. Each row of shelves has a poster on the end that tells you what shelfmarks can be found there.
You can use the table on this page to see the general areas that main topics in your subject are shelved. Sometimes, casually browsing the shelves can turn up some great resources!
A shelfmark with two or three letters preceding it means that the book is not shelved in the main collection.
Last reviewed: 21 February 2024