A short summary of an academic journal which includes the methodology and findings.
Each subject taught at Birmingham Newman University has an Academic Service Librarian who can provide specialist one-to-one support for your studies. You can book an appointment with a librarian, or attend a workshop they are teaching.
An article is a short paper written on a narrow topic area that is published within an academic journal. Articles contain original research, critical debate, analysis and case studies.
All main collection books automatically renew after the initial 7-day loan period. You do not need to manually renew or re-issue your books each week. Your book will keep automatically renewing until:
Your library account will be blocked from borrowing more items until you return the overdue ones.
See Fines and Blocks page for more information.
The number above the barcode on your student card. It begins with a capital P followed by 8 numbers.
The number given on Library Search to help you to find the book on the library shelves.
Books about the same topic will have the same call number. Each book has the call number on a label on the spine of the book. All books with the same call number are then shelved alphabetically according to three letters after the number.
You need to write down both the numbers and the letters to find the book.
Listings of all the material held in the library, including electronic material like journals and eBooks. Use Library Search to search the full catalogue.
A reference to a source within the text of your written assignment. In the Newman Harvard style, an in-text citation includes the author's surname, year of publication, and page number within round brackets. A citation links to the full reference that you give at the end of your assignment.
An online collection of sources, usually journal articles, that can be searched and retrieved.
Date which your books are due back to the library. You need to return using the self-service machine or at the Level 1 Service Desk by this date.
The due date will change with each automatic renewal.
A book in electronic form. eBooks can be accessed from Library Search. Some books may be available as both eBooks and print books.
A reference management tool we recommend to postgraduate researchers and staff. Please contact a librarian for help setting up EndNote.
Help desk on level 2 of the library. Staff can provide advice on more specialist enquiries, such as search strategies and referencing.
A monetary charge assigned to your library account when you return laptops or inter-library loans late. For all other items, no overdue fines are charged.
See Fines and Blocks page for more information.
Refers to journal articles where the whole article is available (as opposed to just the abstract).
The term used to describe borrowing books. You will issue the books to your account using the self-service machine. Another phrase that means the same thing is 'check out'.
A journal is an academic publication that is published on a regular schedule (for example monthly or annually) and contains individual articles.
The main words that describe a topic. Use keywords to search for sources on Library Search.
Live chat service for queries about the library.
Read Library Chat page for more information.
The name of our discovery tool. Use Library Search to search our entire collection of both electronic and printed material.
Job title of library staff members at the Service Desk. Library Service Assistants can answer questions about your library account and how to use the library.
A borrowed item which has been kept past its due date. Overdue items will automatically block your account. You will not be able to borrow any further items until your overdue item has been returned.
Articles which have been reviewed by experts in their field before they are published in a journal. Authors and reviewers have proven knowledge and expertise in their subject area.
Plagiarism is the use of another person's work or ideas within an assignment without the use of quotation marks and/or following the conventions for acknowledging sources. It is not always deliberate.
You can avoid plagiarism by referencing successfully.
[Noun] The full details of a source that you’ve cited in your assignment. It tells the reader where and how they can access the sources. If you’ve given an in-text citation for a source, you must also give its full details in your reference list.
[Verb] The act of creating references in your assignment.
A reference list should contain details of everything that you’ve cited in your assignment, in alphabetical order by author's surname.
You can reserve a book if all copies are on loan. This means that the person who has the book will be asked to return it, and the book will be kept for you to borrow.
May also be referred to as a 'request'.
Terminals where you can issue books to your account. You will need your student card to borrow books. You can also return books, check your library account, and pay fines using the self-service machines.
There are two machines on level 1 and one machine on level 2.
Help desk on level 1 of the library. This desk is staffed by Library Service Assistants.
Identification card you are issued with when you start your studies at Birmingham Newman University. You will need this card to issue books to your account, to operate the printers, and to swipe into the library building during unstaffed hours.
Support department accessed via level 2 of the library.
Read our Other support at Birmingham Newman page for more information.
Collation of specialist library resources and learning materials for your subject.
Find your subject guide on our webpage.
Bookable small group tutorials which cover library and information skills. Librarians teach a wide range of specialist knowledge.
You can book onto an in-person or online workshop from our workshop booking page.