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Referencing at Birmingham Newman

All you need to know about Referencing and where you can get more help

What is Zotero?

Zotero is an online tool and application that can help you to manage your references. You can use it to:

  • create reference lists and reference list entries in Harvard*, OSCOLA and APA styles
  • store and organise the sources you use in your assignments
  • read, take notes and manage your reading and sources

We recommend that students at level 6 (3rd year undergraduates) and level 7 (master's level) use some kind of reference management system. The Librarians find that using Zotero gives the best experience of the free reference management tools available in terms of usability and features. Both the online version and the downloadable desktop app are free to use.

The Library can support you with you use of Zotero online and with the Windows application. We are less experienced with the iOS and mobile versions.

Birmingham Newman University does not have a commercial relationship with the Zotero, and Zotero is not the only free reference management tool available. You are free to choose any of the others if you find that they suit you better; however, the Librarians may not be able to support you with other tools and applications to the same level.

* Zotero supports Cite them right 12th edition Harvard (no "et al.") referencing, which is equivalent to Newman Harvard for all purposes. You will not be penalised for any small differences between this style and Newman Harvard style.

How do I get a Zotero account?

To create an account:

  1. Access the Zotero Registration page
  2. Fill in the form, choosing a suitable username - we recommend using the first part of your Birmingham Newman email address (e.g. ABCD201). Note that your username is case sensitive
  3. Read the Zotero terms of service
  4. Click 'Register'.

As Zotero is not linked to Birmingham Newman University, you should set a memorable password that is distinct from any of your Birmingham Newman IT account. If you forget your password, you can use the Zotero website to be sent an email link to change it.

Last reviewed: 18 September 2023

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