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Library Homepage

Where can I study in the Library?

We offer 3 different zones in the Library so you can study or work in the way that’s best for you. You are welcome in any zone as long as you behave in the appropriate way. This means you should:

  • recognise that all of the Library is a place for study and research
  • wait for or leave sessions in the teaching room in the library quietly - other students are trying to work, so please keep conversations at an appropriate level
  • treat others with respect and consideration
  • treat staff with respect and follow their instructions when asked
  • eat and drink if you wish - but not hot food (food that was served hot, whether hot or cold at the time you are eating it)
  • clear away all rubbish and litter to bins and recycling containers
  • never leave your belongings unattended.

To find out more about the noise policies of the different Zones, click on a panel below.

Library tour and how to use the space

Bookable study spaces

Most of the spaces and seats in the Library are available on a first come, first served basis and do not require advance booking. We have group study spaces, which you can book for up to 3 hours at a time up to two weeks in advance, or when you arrive in the Library if they're available.

Our Book a Study Space page guides you through the booking process. You can also see examples of the spaces available and read our full terms and conditions for this service.

Please note that the pods and meeting rooms are not sound proof. Please only talk as loudly as necessary and do not make noise that will disturb others using spaces nearby.

Last reviewed: 2 September 2024

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